Arm Pain & Shoulder Pain

A great number of people suffer from arm pain which may be caused by repetitive motion, an exclusive incident, fall or sprain, a sports-related cause, a work or auto accident injury, and many more.  Additionally, pain can be referred down the arm from a pinched nerve which may be associated with neck problems.

Acupuncture Treatment For Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is one of the problems treated most often in our clinic. The cause can be similar to what cause the arm pain. We use acupuncture, and sometimes electrical stimulation, to treat the problem and it has been very effective for our patients.

Dr. Sheng uses predominantly a distal needling technique with needles inserted in the legs and ankles and most patients experience immediate relief. Our clinic has helped many patients with arm and shoulder problems, either as the only modality or in conjunction with surgery injection, physical therapy etc. Even patients with chronic arm/shoulder pain may benefit significantly.

Treatment for Shoulder Pain and Arm Pain in Cincinnati

Call our office at (513) 528-2900, or use our online contact form to request an appointment for shoulder or arm pain treatment with Dr. Sheng.