DEPRESSION IS COMPLEX and can be different for everyone. Whether chemical, conditional or a combination of factors, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can improve the imbalances and alleviate the symptoms of depression.
The manifestations might include a feeling of lack of meaning in one’s life, an inability to connect to other people, feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing, lack of energy, and feeling inauthentic, among other things. Also, if qi/energy is stuck in the body, not moving smoothly, the emotions may also get stuck, in fear, or anger, or grief for instance.
Clinical depression is a very heterogeneous disorder. Just by boosting the serotonin level in the brain by SSRIs is not good enough. The response rate to antidepressants is only about 55%.
Chinese Medicine Treatment For Depression
In the view of Chinese medicine, understanding depression and working to treat it has a very unique and individual approach.
‘Deficient’ type symptoms include… pale tongue, pale pinkish color in eyelids…etc. Treatment can include acupuncture and diet changes, including bone broth, warming foods and herbs. With a deficient depression, sadness is usually involved.
‘Excessive’ type depression symptoms include… chest distention, flank pain, excessive sighing, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, diarrhea, moodiness and a feeling of something caught in the throat. Also, anger is the most prevalent emotion with the excessive type of depression.
This type is usually caused by overwork, causing adrenaline rush. The response of the nervous system and endocrine system puts excessive pressure on the liver creating a tense environment within the body.
Depression Treatments With Dr. Peter Sheng
Dr. Sheng also teaches relaxation techniques, a short version of guided imagery, and a healthy life style. Clinical depression is a very heterogeneous disorder. Just by boosting the serotonin level in the brain is not good enough (by SSRIs). Do you know that the response rate to antidepressants is only around 55%?
Call our office at (513) 528-2900, or use our online contact form to request an appointment.